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Overcome Resistance

Angie Ruiz

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

How often have you tried to make changes in life, but you ended up sabotaging your goals?

Yes, you delayed, procrastinated or avoided doing things you knew would make your life better, and you got stuck or even gave up. Does that resonate with you?

In psychology we call this resistance, and it's inherent to change.

Resistance is a self-protection mechanism that occurs at subconscious level. Often it manifests as an internal struggle within ourselves.

It also has a physical component, cause change needs energy and brain power, so it

can make us feel tired, in discomfort or slow.

There are many ways in which resistance manifests. Excuses, waste of time, distraction, postponement, perfectionism, over-thinking, self-sabotaging and giving up.

So it's normal that we naturally tend to resist change, since our brain needs to work harder, it feels discomfort, and needs more energy.

Keeping these neuroscience facts in mind, let's explore a little the context of resistance.

Which factors would you say increase resistance?

Overwhelming fast changes, lack of alignment (purpose), overestimating habilities, power of existing habits, external influence, lack of support, as well as fear.

Despite not being able to modify our brain's behaviour, we can influence the factors that impact our resistance.

Here the strategies that will help you to overcome it:

1️⃣Know yourself well and expect resistance. Be aware of which kind of symptoms you notice when you feel resistance.

2️⃣Prepare for obstacles and plan a strategy to deal with them.

3️⃣Remind yourself the why. And challenge yourself: what happens if I don't change?

4️⃣Search for support and be accountable.

5️⃣Check, assess and adjust.

My best advice is on resistance is: expect it, plan for it and accept it.

Reducing your levels of resistance increases your chances of success!

Ready to try it? Go!

Still have some questions? Let me know.

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